Table 3

Comparison of potential predictors (dichotomous variables) of positive results between patients with a positive initial angiogram and patients with a negative initial angiogram

Dichotomous variableInitial angiogram; no. (%)Odds ratio (95% CI)p value
Positive (n = 15)Negative (n = 20)
Sex, male11 (73)8 (40)0.24 (0.06–1.03)0.09
Past GI bleed6 (40)4 (20)2.67 (0.59–12.02)0.27
Inflammatory bowel disease0 (0)0 (0)1.31 (0.08–22.62)1.00
Past GI surgery6 (40)6 (30)1.56 (0.38–6.36)0.72
Diverticulosis6 (40)4 (20)2.67 (0.59–12.02)0.27
ASA use4 (27)7 (35)0.68 (0.16–2.93)0.72
Anticoagulant use2 (13)4 (20)0.62 (0.10–3.91)0.68
Melena4 (27)10 (50)0.36 (0.09–1.54)0.30
Diarrhea3 (20)6 (30)0.58 (0.12–2.85)0.70
Constipation3 (20)1 (5)4.75 (0.44–51.11)0.29
Hematemesis0 (0)1 (5)0.63 (0.05–7.53)1.00
Syncope/presyncope5 (33)9 (45)0.61 (0.15–2.45)0.73
Pain/cramping2 (13)3 (15)0.87 (0.13–6.00)1.00
Mental status change1 (7)2 (10)0.64 (0.05–7.83)1.00
Orthostatic change in BP2 (13)6 (30)0.36 (0.06–2.11)0.42
Abdominal tenderness2 (13)6 (30)0.36 (0.06–2.11)0.42
Blood on rectal examination15 (100)15 (75)6.00 (0.65–55.66)0.06
Bleeding on gastroduodenoscopy*2 (25)3 (27)1.13 (0.14–9.00)1.00
Bleeding on colonoscopy1 (14)1 (9)1.67 (0.09–31.87)1.00
Nuclear scintigraphy positive10 (100)10 (83)0.33 (0.03–3.72)0.48
  • ASA = acetylsalicylic acid; BP = blood pressure; CI = confidence interval; GI = gastrointestinal.

  • * Data available for 8 of 15 patients with positive angiograms and 11 of 20 patients with negative angiograms.

  • Data available for 7 of 15 patients with positive angiograms and 11 of 20 patients with negative angiograms.

  • Data available for 10 of 15 patients with positive angiograms and 12 of 20 patients with negative angiograms.