Table 4

Reported Cases of Necrotizing Fasciitis In Children With Chickenpox*

StudyNo. of casesAverage age, yrInfecting organismComplications
Schreck et al652GABHS 60%; Staphylococcus aureus/Pseudomonas 20%; none 20%Bacteremia 1 (20%); septic shock 2 (40%)
Zerr et al11194.4GABHS 84%; other 10%; none 5%Septic shock 5 (26%)
Mills et al12110GABHSNone
Brogan et al15144GABHS 100%Sepsis 5 (36%)
Falcone et al1618GABHSSeptic shock; respiratory deficiency
Wauldhausen et al17184.5GABHS 78%; Staphylococcus aureus 11%; none 11%No mention
Vugia et al1810.5GABHSNo mention
Current study53.8GABHS 80%
negative 20%
Septic shock 2 (40%); urinary tract infection 1 (20%); compartment syndrome 2 (40%); scar hypertrophy 1 (20%); joint contracture 1 (20%)
  • * There were no deaths.

  • GABS = group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus.